Is it part of your professional life to

  • …accompany people therapeutically or give counselling and are you wanting an external perspective?
  • …initiate pedagogical or creative projects and are you currently in a creative crisis?
  • …be responsible for a team and are you having difficulties with them?
  • …to deal with social conflict and issues of marginal attention needing support in your work?

Our process-oriented supervision provides individuals or teams in their working environment with tools for a creative way of handling these problems.

Just as inner conflicts turn out to be signals of unknown, previously rejected aspects so are external conflicts. When this potential is recognized and perceived as an integral part of the whole, solutions can surface...


  • In individual supervision you can clarify a particular situation and work on creating a new perspective to handle it.
  • In case supervision you can reflect on your work with clients and get new impulses for their accompaniment and counselling.
  • In project supervision we accompany you with your projects as an individual or as a team and help you to create a vision and attune your vision to a given situation.
  • In team supervision we develop meaningful processes for an overall situation. This can happen either in your working environment or in our office


Individual Supervision 140.-/h
Team Supervision 180.-/h